Attitude Legal Term

Without thinking too much, I have adopted this attitude in my work. So much for the attitude of the different schools of religious thought towards the Bible. In a way, it`s worse than white supremacist racism, because it`s considered an honorable attitude. His attitude was desperate resignation when he watched a distant bird fly its flight away from him. Alexander Stephens, Vice-President of the Confederation, summed up the attitude of the South in his Cornerstone speech of 1861. The more knowledge she gained about the object, the more her attitude towards it changed. Since then, I have taken a very different approach to management. These sample sentences are automatically selected from various online information sources to reflect the current use of the word “attitude.” The opinions expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us your feedback.

His eyes shone with triumph, but his lips bent with contempt for his father`s trembling posture. With his anachronistic approach to biblical history, Bale only follows the advice of his director. The dormant accounts that most banks hold with the reserve bank may be an indication of their attitude towards it. This tendency to take artistic representations for realities reappears even in a child`s mental attitude towards his stories. Instead of denying or neglecting it, or whatever attitude we`ve had in the past, it`s time we all got together and started working very seriously on it. An attitude is somewhere between a belief, an attitude, a mood and a pose. If you have an attitude towards something, it can be difficult to change it because you think you`re right. From this attitude, he draws a unique comic and literary power. I think it has a lot to do with the attitude and energy behind it and honesty. It taught me that we can choose our own attitude every day. You`ll often hear that happy hour is called “attitude adjustment hour” because cheap drinks are one of the best ways to change your attitude.

If you`re in a bad mood, cocktails can make it better (or worse). An attitude is a state of mind that you can express simply by standing in a certain way. For example, placing hands on hips and rolling eyes expresses one type of posture, while kneeling with palms together expresses a completely different one. Encyclopedia article on attitude The decision to be positive or negative about a particular idea. It affects a person`s actions, reactions, and rewards. French, from the Italian attitudine, literally, aptitude, from the late Latin aptitudin-, aptitudo fitness to more under aptitude This is a preliminary summary of an upcoming entry in the Encyclopedia of Law. Please check later to get full admission.