A Legal Service That the Receiver Could Not Touch

The S service was cut laterally over the springs of an inverted shuttle, causing it to spin chaotically, which made it difficult to control its return. The S-Serve was so effective that many people felt it ruined the game; Finally, the award was prohibited by the introduction of Rule 9.1.4 (above). In tennis, an ace is a legal service that is not touched by the recipient. This is an important rule: it is the one that prevents you from playing a smash as your service! Once started, the service is delivered if the shuttle is hit by the server`s racket or if the server misses the shuttle while trying to serve. Part of both feet of the server and the recipient must remain in contact with the court surface in a stationary position from the beginning of the surcharge (Law 9.2) until delivery (Law 9.3). You should not set foot on the lines when serving or receiving. Note that this rule is to touch the lines: you can lean forward or to the side so that your racket is outside the service field. You lose everything if you hit the shuttle on the ceiling or in the walls. You will also lose the rally if the shuttle touches you or your clothes. Badminton has several rules to serve, most of which are designed to limit the benefits that can be obtained by serving. In other words, I wouldn`t worry about it. Just be sure to contact the shuttle at your site. If you touch the net or the posts, you lose the rally.

This often happens with /articles/net-kills>net kills: When the shuttle is close to the net, it can be difficult to play a net kill without hitting the net with your racket. These are actually two rules that are summarized into one. First of all, you can`t hold your service indefinitely, hoping that the recipient will lose focus or feel uncomfortable. Similarly, the recipient cannot delay indefinitely. Video footage from the S-Serve tournament is hard to find, but here`s www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvldP5KCobw>an example where both sides mainly use S-Serves (a good example is at 7:41). Note the wild and sloping path descending from many services. Receivers make a large number of mistakes and rarely manage to attack S-Serves. Note that your opponent is allowed to put his bat in the way of the shuttle. It can`t block your shot, but it can block your shot.

It`s a subtle distinction: your punch is the movement of your racket; Your shot is the movement of the shuttle. The last rule is just a malicious way of acknowledging that many badminton courts are not perfect. For example, many dishes have beams or straps that intersect deep above them. Most clubs opt for a rental when the shuttle hits a beam. This is a common practice, and I recommend it. Note that the size is not the same as the line of your shorts: it is actually the lowest part of your chest. To judge how high you can serve, feel your lowest rib: the shuttle should be underneath. hinders an opponent, that is, prevents an opponent from delivering a legal blow by following the shuttle over the net; enters an opponent`s field via the net with a bat or a person, except that the attacker can follow the shuttle with the bat above the net during a shot, after the first point of contact with the shuttle is on the attacker`s side of the net; Once players are ready for service, the first forward movement of the server`s club head is the start of the service. In the club`s badminton game, disputes over the legality of services are on the agenda. It helps to know the rules before arguing about it! Many waiters like to shake their racket back and forth behind the shuttle to disrupt the timing of the receiver.

It`s a mistake. The server and the recipient must be located in diagonally opposed service courts without touching the dividing lines of these service courts. The second part of the rule is a convoluted way of saying something very simple: in the service, you can`t take a break between backswing and forward swing. Many club players use this break to disrupt the receiver`s timing. This is against the rules: it is a mistake. A few stupid things: Even if you were three meters tall and could hit a serve, it would still be against the rules, because the service has to go up. You also should not use sneaky services that run on the sides of the posts of the net! Note that this rule also prohibits extremely slow delivery, as this would be an unreasonable delay. The movement of server racketeering will continue from the beginning of the service (Law 9.2) until the provision of the service (Law 9.3). However, you cannot ask for permission to reach the cap. Otherwise, if you lost the rally, you could just hit the shuttle to the ceiling and start all over again! Reader services can be completely legal, but this rule ensures that all legal readers migrate upwards as they cross the network, making them vulnerable to attacks from an alarm receiver. Note that poor contact is not a mistake. Many players, especially older ones, don`t get a shot if they`ve made a bad contact – either they just hit the frame or they hit both the frame and the ropes.

This is not a mistake, and the rally should continue. While this isn`t explicitly mentioned anywhere in the rules, you won`t get a second service either. This is different from tennis, where the waiter has two attempts to put the ball in the service court. The rule seems to suggest that even if the recipient hits it back, a service that was on its way should be defective.